This will be short, my arm hurts. Had my travel doctor visit yesterday, and ended up getting the Tdap (tetnus, pertussis, diptheria) vaccine. My old tetnus shot was about 6.5 years old, and for Haiti they really want people to have had one in the last 5 years. Also, with the pertussis outbreak here in California, it's not such a bad idea. But everything else vaccine-wise was in order. See, maximizing my vaccine dollars! I also found out I can use cholorquine instead of malarone for malaria prophalaxis! Yay! No strange dreams! And it doses once a week, which will be cheaper and easier for me. In honor of Good Morning, Vietnam I think I'm going to go with a true Malaria Monday! Heh. Off to Costco to fill that script, and I have to start taking them on Monday, so it will be another way to psych myself up!
Also checked in with my backup credit card company letting them know I'm going to Haiti. I don't plan on charging anything, but it's the "in case things go wrong, cash advance back up plan" card. I had the customer service guy in stitches when he asked about my return date. I mean, "I'm planning on returning on the 31st. But I suppose one of the reasons I'd be using the card is if something is going very wrong, so....?" is probably not the way to answer that question.
Now for the last minute shopping for stuff I forgot, and the packing/re-packing game I like to play. Nine days...I've made it to single digits!
Uber props to Paul & Stacia and Phil for helping me out with sponsoring lodging and meals. And Paul, I promise if I pick up something over there to let you pay for my treatment!
I'm still looking for sponsors! All that's left is 5 days of lodging+meals, at $30/day. Use the PayPal link to the right, or donate directly to Advantage Haiti, the group I'm volunteering with at their website:
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