Friday, July 9, 2010

when does it become real?

I've printed my boarding passes, and it's feeling more real.

I also packed up all the donations the SMU DPT students collected.  According to the scale in the lab, it's around 43 pounds.  And I got all of it to fit!  And if I can decipher the baggage information for American Airlines and Tortug, there's a chance I won't have to pay any extra baggage fees at all.  Which is very awesome.

I did get a confimation email from the coordinator in Haiti this morning, making sure I had all the names and numbers of people shuttling me around and remembered stuff like I need to bring some snacks and a book or two, as my layover in Port-au-Prince is pretty long and services are nil.  I had that on my radar, but nice to have an organized email reminding me.

I also finished up the final shopping this morning.  All that's left is a few emails I need to straighten out before I leave and to pick up some more kitty litter so Lynne (the awesomest cat sitter EVER) will be well supplied.

I got a text that on the News Hour they had a report on Haiti 6 months after the quake.  Gotta hunt that down and watch tonight.  Because I have a feeling I'm not going to get much sleep.

Oh yeah, and I have to pack.  There's that.

Thanks to Gail for the donation to help with translation services! 

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