Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Three more days

Today was busy and seemed hectic, but about 2/3 of the people waiting were with a patient and not there for treatment. 

Mr. CrankyPants, a patient with an AKA who was 80-something, was discharged last night.  I almost miss him and his random participation with PT.  Somedays we would have to haul him to his feet just to stand, others he would walk with the walker nearly independently.  I am glad he can harass his wife at home, and not in the hospital ward.

Took some photos and videos today, but I probably will wait to get home to upload most of them.  Just easier that way, at this point.

Today's sad and interesting case was a young man of 19 who came in with his father.  He had a very severe thoracic left kypho-scoliosis with rotation.  It was really bad.  We described how surgery may be indicated, and why, and took a bunch of photos to send to the local ortho team that comes from Brazil the first week in September.  I'm hoping they will think they could tackle it.  The boy seemed very disappointed that we couldn't do anything for this, and I just kept thinking what a shame this hadn't been addressed earlier.  Not that it would have been correctible, but that he didn't have any intervention at all.

I'm trying to collate all my notes on the patients I've been seeing pretty regular for the team that's coming in next week, for continuity's sake.  Today I tackled all the inpatients, tomorrow I'm hoping to get through the outpatients.

Off for a quick stop at the guesthouse, then we are getting picked up for a visit to an orphanage for girls on the outskirts of Cayes.  It was started by a Haitian who was adopted and grew up in the States, but returned to Haiti as an adult.  It's very eco-friendly--built out of storage containers, solar power, garden for growing their own food--which is unique here.  The 21 girls are between 2 years and 16 years old, and from the pictures I've seen (one of the PTs here knows the couple that run it and have been visiting and helping out over the last 1.5 weeks) they are adorable.

I can't believe tomorrow's Wednesday, and this weekend I'll be home.  Crazy!

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