Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reality. Check.

There's a point in the lead up to any trip where it all becomes very real.  Where you feel how the trip is coming (and usually coming soon), where you can taste the excitement and nervousness and fun. 

That was today.

I was confirming details with Advantage Haiti (can't be to sure about details, well...at least I can't).  We realized their office had my departure dates wrong, and that my tickets from Port au Prince to Cayes hadn't been purchased yet.

It was pretty awesome that, at this point, I didn't freak.

Also turns out, I impressed their office having already purchased my travel insurance.

Needless to say, about 30 minutes later it was all figured out.  They have my correct arrival and departure information, my tickets are all confirmed.  In a stroke of awesome, it also turns out that they now process my payment to the guest house in advance, which was a huge relief for me.  Having to carry around that much money (in cash, in small bills) never makes me feel good.  Or safe.  So now my cash carrying is down considerably--taxi fare, departure taxes, and spending money--and everything's confirmed.

This was the final pre-departure reality check.  I leave in 11 days.  Now to pack.  And enjoy the ride!

I'm still looking for sponsors! All that's left is 9 days of lodging+meals, at $30/day. Use the PayPal link to the right, or donate directly to Advantage Haiti, the group I'm volunteering with at their website: http://www.advantagehaiti.com/.

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