Thursday, June 10, 2010

T minus 30 days and counting.

One month.  30 days.

I leave in only one month.  Holy....holy. 

I'm VERY excited (still!), but now I've gone into uber-planning mode.  Lists.  Piles.  Shopping.  Organizing.  Checking and re-checking.


Sorry about that, I had to add 'schedule visit to travel doctor for malarone rx' to the Haiti-specific to do list. Yes, I've got a Haiti-specific to do list.  Must stop.

In typical "me" fashion, I'm making the most of this when I return.  I've agreed to write a short piece for Today in PT and will be doing a presentation on campus for our lunch enrichment series.  This way, I will remember to update here regularly, take other good notes (I do plan on updating with more stuff when I get back), and take a lot of photos. 

Next week I'll be in Boston at Annual Conference, and I'm hoping to test out updating with my phone. Gotta get used to 'short and sweet' posts. Must try this stuff out.  And also post some more photos to the flickr feed, too.

Oh yeah, and thanks Blogger for the new templates!  What y'all think of this one?

I'm still looking for sponsors! Use the PayPal link to the right, or donate directly Advantage Haiti, the group I'm volunteering with at their website:


Nina Zuni said...

Hello "Mary-Roo Sharone!" From your old MSMC friend Nina, I woud like to say that I think it is an amazingly wonderful thing you are doing. You will have an experience of a lifetime! I will be thinking of you. Good luck and God bless.

Who: Sharon said...

Nina!! How awesome to hear from you (thanks Kristin)! And thanks for the supporting words and sponsorship of a day of my trip!

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