Monday, June 20, 2011

I leave in less than a month? What?!

Less than 1 month until I leave for 4 weeks in Haiti. I've been shamefully neglectful of this blog, and also shamefully neglectful in doing other preparatory stuff like raising funds, gathering donations, and even making sure I've got all I need.  I can't tell if I'm a) procrastinating, b) really busy, c) jaded as this is my second trip in 2 years, or d) in denial.  And no, e) all of the above is NOT an option.  Or at least I hope it's not an option!

I did make my trek to the travel doctor this last weekend.  Nice to know I am all caught up on my immunizations (I even have a few years left before I need boosters for some of them!).  I got my prescriptions for anti-malarials and some antibiotics so I don't have to deplete the limited supplies at either of my host hospitals.  Self-sufficiency is a must!  My health insurance has changed a bit from last year, especially my prescription coverage, so it will be interesting to see how the costs differ.  I still find it a bit maddening that some of these drugs and immunizations are covered (the malarials are to a point, and the flu shot) while others I am responsible for (like Hep A immunizations).  I understand travel isn't necessary, but you'd think some of this would benefit my insurance, as I will be certainly cheaper to cover if I'm NOT sick. 

I was pleased to hear last week from Advantage Haiti and Medical Teams International (MTI) that there are 2 other PTs arrving into Port au Prince the same day as I am, so we can all 'carpool' in the taptap out to Cayes together.  One travel-related piece of lonlieness resolved!  I'm also excited since that means there will be others in the clinic & guesthouse while I'm there (at least that first week)! 

On my to do list:
  1. Contact MTI/Advantage Haiti to get list of donations they are in need of, forward to students/faculty/staff at SMU to see if I can get donations.
  2. Find myself scrubs!  I left all my scrubs there last year, so I find myself scrub-less, so to speak.
  3. Stock up on power bars, electrolyte gel, and other snacks to pack.
  4. Start inventory of my supplies to figure out what I even need to get!
  5. Post here more regularly!
And today's Haiti-related link, I saw this on KevinMD's blog & health in Haiti.

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