Monday, July 11, 2011

OMG...less than 48 hours to departure!

It's a bit sad to read back at last year's blog. 
A) People were so much more interested in Haiti.  It was in the news.  Now, not so much.  Needs still there, but the lack of media attention is a bit sad.
B) I was so much more organized! I just confirmed some within country transportation details about 2 hours ago.  Two hours ago!  I still have shopping for supplies to do, and I don't even have a list of what I need!  I got my anti-malarial prescription filled last week, on the last day I could because I have to start taking those a week before I leave!
C) I'm taking some work with me.  This may be a great plan, since it will mean I will have my computer (doesn't mean I'll find reliable internet access).  But I had hoped to be farther ahead on some work projects so that I wouldn't have to bring it with me.
D) I've done a lousy job soliciting donations.  Way lousy.

On the up side, I don't feel nearly as anxious about getting to Port au Prince.  I'm not too nervous about what things will be like on a daily basis.  I know I love the food, and I know I will adore working so hard I make knee sweat stains on my scrubs every day.  I also know I'm excited because lots of the people I will be working with will be new, and some will be around from last year.

Most of all, I'm excited.  And friends and family are excited for me.  Which is a big help.

If you'd like to make a tax-deductible donation to support my trip, please click the link over there.  Secure online donation you can write off!  I could use the support, so please give if you can.  Thanks!

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