Sunday, May 2, 2010

Know any good travel guides to Haiti?

72 days and counting.  It feels like a lot less, and 72 sounds so big.  I know it will go super fast, but I'm trying to stay pumped and to keep my momentum up on the preparation side. Crazy thing is I had to spend about an hour on 3 different web sites to confirm I don't need a visa, and that if I'm working unpaid (which I will be) I still don't need a visa because Haiti has no such thing as a business visa.  This was really crazy because 2 websites claimed they did have a business visa, and one of the claimed I could use them to obtain it (for a fee of course).  Let the insane tricks to get money out of me begin!  Good thing I finally found the visa section of the actual Haitian website which was available in English, and clearly said they didn't have a business visa option and as a US citizen I only need 6 months left on my passport.  Now, if I could get more information about whether or not there's a departure fee (and more specifically, how much is it), I could consider today's preparation complete. Wish me luck!
[Edited to add: found it.  Seems to be $25 USD.  Adding this to my wish list for donations.  That's right, your $25 can make sure I make it out of Haiti on July 31!  Donate now!]

Donation, Support, and Props Updates:
Thanks to Doris for the helpful donation of 1.66 days at the guesthouse, and bringing me up to 5 days now fully supported! Hurry, only 15 days left for your to support!

Three of my online friends over at LiveJournal have kindly donated their artisitic and/or writing talents to help me raise funds.  They will create icons, banners, or fanfic if you send them proof of donation to me (via PayPal) or directly to AdvantageHaiti.  So if you are on LJ, for as little as $1 you can support me and get a little something for your troubles. Learn more at my LJ. And thanks to lo_duclavier, muselives, and musetrax for volunteering their time and talents to help support this trip!

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