Sunday, May 23, 2010

Added & Updated Props

Thanks to my hairdresser, Lisa, for supporting two days in Haiti! And
thanks to her for showing such kindness to the women and her daughter
who's car died in front of her salon. It is always nice to be reminded
how nice people can be to each other.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Inspiration really *is* all around, if you keep your eyes open

I keep looking for inspiration.  I know if I'm going to get to Haiti with the enthusiam and dedication I need to make the difference I'm hoping I can make, I need to stay motivated.  I need to remain inspired.  Especially while I do the mundane preparation (making lists, packing, paperwork, arranging a cat sitter).

Today, someone sent me a link to a blog for a completely un-Haiti-related reason.  It was work that got me there.  I glanced down to a previous blog post and saw this entry about being a bystander or making even a small difference.  I love how that story's been passed down the generations in that family, along with the coins. What we percieve a small matter, even as something just a hair bigger than indifference, is oftentimes percieved on the other end as kindness.  Or gratitude.  Your small attempt to make a difference can be huge to the person on the other end. And there it was, today's inspiration!

I'm making a choice.  A choice to try and make a difference.  Will it be small, will it be big--who knows?  But I'm choosing to not be a bystander.  And for today, that's enough.

I'm still looking for sponsors! Use the PayPal link to the right, or donate directly Advantage Haiti, the group I'm volunteering with at their website: 

Friday, May 14, 2010

More on the Why

I keep getting the same question over and over, "Why are you going to Haiti?" And I'm at a loss for how to answer.  I don't like to toot my own horn. Yes, I LOVE to talk, but about myself?  Not really.  Or at least not without a hefty dose of self-deprecation, some kind of joke that I'm the butt of, something silly or funny.  But this question, so loaded with seriousness, so awesome is scope...well, I'm having a hard time coming up with an answer that isn't full of "ums" and "ohs" and plain old dead space.

So I was reading this post by Doc Gurley on this afternoon and it struck me.  The way she described altruism:
"Altruism, you could say, is a form of neurologic teleportation - you inhabit another person's senses and feel the world from their driver's seat. It is an amazing gift that's freely available to us all. But we must exercise it, or it, like any other neurologic function, will atrophy over time."
This is why I'm going.  This is my answer.

It's been almost 6 and a half years since my car accident.  The accident that literally changed my life, could have easily killed me and one of my dearest friends, and required I finally cut the cord and resign my physical therapy clinician position.  I still treat patients, a few here and there, Neuro Clinic with the students, my research does involve me functioning at least somewhat like a physical therapist...but quitting that hospital job was so hard for me.  Even though I'd put them off for at least 3 months after the accident to not schedule me, and my life was super hectic at the time with work and school responsibilities, and I knew I should use this as a good excuse (for lack of a better word) to get out of that commitment. And in these intervening 6 years I'm afraid I didn't have the opportunity to flex that altruistic muscle, ensure that I still knew how to transform myself (even if for a few moments) when I was with a patient to that other place where you get a momentary glimpse of what they are going through. And what if I was losing that.

This is one of the reasons I'm going.  Because I read stories about what's happening in so many places around the world, and in this story I can see myself being able to help.  Being able to play a small role and perhaps make a small difference.  And I want to exercise that feeling.  Give it a good, strong workout. 

I'm still looking for sponsors!  Use the PayPal link to the right, or donate directly Advantage Haiti, the group I'm volunteering with at their website:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lots 'o links

Haiti's still in the news, thank goodness.  I saw Bill Clinton's still on TV ads trying to get people to keep donating.  And a few other links to stories:

Donation, Support, and Props Update:
Lo--1/2 a day of lodging+meals, with the possiblity of more thanks to the LiveJournal fundraiser.
Jessica--portion of departure tax, via the LiveJoural fundraiser.
Amanda--pledged one day lodging+meals, and is going back to NOLA next year as a project leader!
Andy--lent me his water filter to bring as a back up.
Thanks so much!  Don't forget, you can donate securely online via PayPal.  See the link over to the right-->

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How to keep up the inspiration...just look around!

Heh.  I realized it's 69 days until I leave for Haiti.  So of course, must post.  Because I'm five years old.

I've gotten a big dose of inspiration lately from Kaiser's project in New Orleans.  A former student and friend of mine, Amanda, has been in NOLA for the last few weeks working on de-mold-ifying houses, building a playground and baseball diamond, and painting/moving supplies and equipment into a medical clinic.  She sent some great inspiring emails which have boosted my resolve and really got me excited about Haiti.  They've also made me incredibly sad that this type of work is still going on in New Orleans, a city I've been to and loved when I was there.  See more photos and testimonials and hear about the great things some great people are doing to help others right here in the USA. And a big thanks and shout out to Amanda and all the folks with Kaiser who are volunteering on this project!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Know any good travel guides to Haiti?

72 days and counting.  It feels like a lot less, and 72 sounds so big.  I know it will go super fast, but I'm trying to stay pumped and to keep my momentum up on the preparation side. Crazy thing is I had to spend about an hour on 3 different web sites to confirm I don't need a visa, and that if I'm working unpaid (which I will be) I still don't need a visa because Haiti has no such thing as a business visa.  This was really crazy because 2 websites claimed they did have a business visa, and one of the claimed I could use them to obtain it (for a fee of course).  Let the insane tricks to get money out of me begin!  Good thing I finally found the visa section of the actual Haitian website which was available in English, and clearly said they didn't have a business visa option and as a US citizen I only need 6 months left on my passport.  Now, if I could get more information about whether or not there's a departure fee (and more specifically, how much is it), I could consider today's preparation complete. Wish me luck!
[Edited to add: found it.  Seems to be $25 USD.  Adding this to my wish list for donations.  That's right, your $25 can make sure I make it out of Haiti on July 31!  Donate now!]

Donation, Support, and Props Updates:
Thanks to Doris for the helpful donation of 1.66 days at the guesthouse, and bringing me up to 5 days now fully supported! Hurry, only 15 days left for your to support!

Three of my online friends over at LiveJournal have kindly donated their artisitic and/or writing talents to help me raise funds.  They will create icons, banners, or fanfic if you send them proof of donation to me (via PayPal) or directly to AdvantageHaiti.  So if you are on LJ, for as little as $1 you can support me and get a little something for your troubles. Learn more at my LJ. And thanks to lo_duclavier, muselives, and musetrax for volunteering their time and talents to help support this trip!