Friday, April 16, 2010

Going, just when the going gets good

[Please note: now accepting your generous support of donations via PayPal.  Link is to the right.]

Props to Reuben for sending me an email today reminding me I'm NOT insane for doing this.  Because I have moments.  I tend to be the type of person who mulls over an idea for a while, and then suddenly decides to jump in head first.  It's not really as impulsive as it may look to outsiders, the mulling is pretty substantial and prolonged, but when I jump I'm all in.  This was one of those decisions.

I do have concerns or doubts, even with the excessive amount of positive support and adrenaline this plan has sparked.  From this silly and self-centered (Malarone will be required, and it gives me funky dreams after about 10 days), to the serious and scary (the Frontline on Haiti 6 weeks after the quake was an eye opener).  But fluctuating feelings is a by-product of being human, and only because I'm so excited and emotionally invested is this even the case.

Funny enough, on what probably sounds like an unrelated note, I found this piece about Mt. St. Mary's College in LA to give me pause.  I've always tried to volunteer (with all those years in Girls Scouts when I was younger, followed by Semper Comites in high school), but I wonder how much of a different person I might be if I hadn't stepped out of the box and done the unexpected and attended the Mount?  Would I be the kind of person planning for a "Haiti Birthday?"*  Would I be doing this, now?  Would I even be considering it?  I'd like to think I would, but honestly I can't say with certainty if that would be the case. 

Well, on other fronts...I'll be away for the next week.  I know, bad planning.  Start this up, just to ditch ship for a week.  Oh well, life isn't always what you plan, sometimes it's just what happens.  I'm off for what I hope is a well deserved vacation in sunny Mazatlan.** I'll be sure to bring back some stories of that trip to post here, as well as some photo updates.  Have a great week, and thanks in advance for your support!

*tm Andy (I told you I was stealing that, just too hilarious!)
** which is in Mexico, in case you didn't know (and yes, I'm looking at you, Jim)

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