So everything is set. I'm leaving for Haiti on July 13 (arrive on the 14th), and will spend 2 weeks in Les Cayes with the Advantage Haiti program through MTI. I will then fly and drive to Deschappelle for 2 weeks at HAS. I'll be returning to the States on Aug 13, and spending 4 days in NYC before coming home.
I'm getting excited. I'm scheduled my travel doctor visit to check my immunizations and get more prescriptions for Cipro and anti-malarials. I've started to inventory my supplies--I will definitely need scrubs and a few other consumables. I also need to confirm any donations that the clinic needs. Details, details, details. This is where I like to be--plans confirmed, details in flux.
Shout out to Judy, Reuben, and Pat for donating! Remember, you can donate towards my 2 weeks in Cayes and towards my airfare (tax-deductible!) through Medical Teams International